A steel cable, that it connects the countries of Castelmezzano and Pietrapertosa, on the Dolomiti Lucane, will be able to make living an only emotion you; the so-called "Flight of the Angel". Legacies to the cable of steel you will be able to cross one of beautifulst goes them of the Dolimiti Lucane to the average speed of 120Km/h: a sure only attraction in Italy.
martedì - venerdìo orari: 10:00-13:00 15:00- 19:00
sabato - domenicaorari: 10:00 - 19:30 (orario continuato)
sabato - domenicaorari: 10:00 - 19:30 (orario continuato)
martedì - venerdì: euro 18,00
sabato, domenica e festivi: euro 28,00
Proloco Castelmezzano: 0971.986020 - 340.9544655
Proloco Pietrapertosa: 320.8337801
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